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Privacy Policy

At Servizing, we value your trust and are committed to safeguarding your personal information when you use our services, whether through our website or app. We recognise the significant responsibility this entails and are dedicated to ensuring your data is secure and under your control.

We are PCI DSS compliant and are being constantly audited by independent government authorised and CERT empanelled agencies. This Privacy Policy outlines how Servizing collects, uses, and manages your information, and explains how you can control, update, or delete it.


Servizing is an all-encompassing platform designed to enhance security and streamline community management with focus on safety, security, and convenience. Our diverse range of services includes:

  • Access Control: With Servizing, residents can seamlessly move in and out of the premises with automated boom-barriers at gates, parking slots and other access control devices placed at tower level for enhanced security.
  • Visitor Management: Our technology boosts security by enabling residents to manage visitor approvals. You can control who is allowed entry to your premises, enhancing overall safety.
  • Delivery Management: With Servizing, deliveries can be approved by the residents, allowing only authorised vendors to entre the premise. We’ve also partnered with eCommerce platforms to facilitate quicker and more secure entry for delivery personnel.
  • Daily Help Management: Residents receive notifications when their daily help (maids, cleaners, cooks, nannies) arrives. You can also track their attendance and manage gifts/payments. With AI in place, Servizing App provides recommendations to residents for new helps (if required) based on feedback and other parameters.
  • Security Alerts: In case of an emergency, residents can instantly alert security personnel with a single click on the app, ensuring rapid response.
  • Accounts & Payments Management: Servizing offers a comprehensive accounting module that simplifies financial management for Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs). Residents can conveniently pay various bills, including maintenance, electricity, water, and utilities, directly through the app.
  • Clubhouse Management & Amenities Booking: The management committee can use this feature to restrict clubhouse access to residents and guests, and facilitate booking for specific amenities.
  • Helpdesk and Communication: Our Communication Management tool allows the management committee to conduct opinion polls, send meeting invitations, and resolve resident complaints. Residents can also start discussions, post ideas, or provide feedback.

Servizing seamlessly integrates various community members—including residents, RWAs, facility management, security personnel, daily help, visitors, and service providers—through our app to improve both security and convenience.

Information Collected by Servizing

To provide you with exceptional service, Servizing collects various types of information through our app and website. The specifics of the information collected and its use depend on how you engage with our services and your privacy settings. For instance, basic Servizing services only require your flat details, name, and contact number. However, if your society uses advanced features like Gate management, Accounts and Payments, additional information may be needed.

Information Collected on Servizing:

  • Residents: We collect resident’s name, email address, mobile number, apartment number, tenant or owner status, vehicle number (if applicable), and any other optional details you choose to provide, such as photographs, reviews, content, posts, listings, payment information, and address book.
  • Vehicle Details: Vehicle details (like Registration Number, Model, Make, Vehicle Type) are collected if Resident Welfare Association (RWA) opts for Gate/Parking management. We may access publicly available data from RTOs and third-party services based on your vehicle registration number to offer additional services.
  • Guests: We collect the guest’s name and the resident’s flat they intend to visit. Additional guest information may be required by the RWA, such as phone numbers or photographs, but this is at the discretion of the RWA.
  • Service Providers: For service providers visiting society or individual homes, we collect the name, phone number, resident flat to be visited (if applicable), vehicle number (if applicable), entry/exit times, identity proof, visit purpose, and photographs. This information is collected for security purposes and may be required by the RWA and local regulations.
  • Additional Information: Financial details may also be needed for processing payments through our payment service providers, subject to their terms of use and privacy policies.

Information from Other Sources / Third Parties:

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Aarogya Setu Mobile App may be used to gain entry into societies or individual homes. The use of the Aarogya Setu App for entry is at the discretion of the respective RWAs.

We do not sell or trade user information. The data is used solely to enhance your experience on Servizing platforms. On occasion, we may share information with third-party partners, but only with your explicit consent.

Servizing’s services are an extension of those provided by the RWA of the society. RWA members may access information collected for their society on Servizing for recording and security purposes.

Methods of Information Collection

Servizing delivers its services through our website and mobile app (collectively referred to as “Platforms”). We collect user information directly to enhance your product and service experience. We collect personally identifiable information (PII) directly through our Platforms. This includes details you provide, such as those listed in the “Information Servizing Collects” section. When you enter your information on our Platforms, you explicitly consent to Servizing using this data to improve and personalize your experience. Please note, we do not consider information to be personal if it has been anonymized or aggregated in such a way that it can no longer identify a specific individual, whether alone or in combination with other data.

We may collect indirect information automatically as you interact with our Platforms. This includes data such as IP addresses, device information, browsing activity, and other technical details outlined in the “Information Servizing Collects” section. On need basis, this non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) helps us enhance your experience on our Platforms.

Please note, we don’t share any information with third-party advertisers to tailor advertisements.

Purpose of Information Collection

We collect information to deliver and enhance our services effectively. The data collected through the Servizing website and mobile app is based on user inputs and agreements with Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs), which act as extended service providers for residents within their societies.

The key purposes for which we collect information include:

  • Account Setup and Administration: To create and manage your account on our Platforms.
  • Account Verification: To verify and secure your account, ensuring that it is properly configured and protected.
  • Personalization: To tailor content, business information, and user experiences to better suit your preferences and needs.
  • Communication: To keep you informed about new features, benefits, newsletters, contests, usage guidance, compliance requirements, and other offerings.
  • Insights: To provide you with accurate insights and reports relevant to your use of our services.
  • Value-Added Services: To offer additional services that you may find useful or beneficial.
  • Legal and Compliance: To fulfil legal obligations and internal audit requirements (excluding guest visitor information).
  • Safety and Reliability: To enhance the safety and reliability of our services, including detecting, preventing, and addressing security risks, fraud, or technical issues that could impact users or Servizing.

Privacy Controls for Users

Servizing is committed to giving you full control over the information we collect and how it is used. This section outlines the key privacy controls available to you and provides mechanisms for managing or removing your information.

Managing, Reviewing, and Updating Your Information:

While signed in, you can review and update your information by accessing the relevant sections of our services. For instance, you can modify contact details such as your name, email address, and phone number directly through our platform.

Opting Out:

We offer options to opt out of notifications related to Entry/Exit, Payments, Helpdesk, Homes, and Amenities. You can manage these preferences directly on our platform. Please note that opting out may not apply to messages provided by or in collaboration with Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) or their management committees, which may be posted on society notice boards. For removal of such content, you should contact your RWA directly.

Unsubscribing, Removing, and Deleting Your Information:

If you wish to unsubscribe from our services or delete your information, you can remove your apartment details and uninstall the app. Additionally, you can email us at for specific requests regarding your account or to delete your account history. Please be aware that deletion of specific information may require approval from the RWA. We may retain some information and transaction records for a period required by law, contractual obligations with the RWA, or applicable policies.

Information Sharing and Disclosures

We may disclose personal information collected or provided by you, as described in this Privacy Policy, in the following circumstances:

General Information Disclosures:

  • Affiliates and Subsidiaries: We may share information with our subsidiaries and affiliates to facilitate the provision of our services or to comply with applicable laws.
  • Third-Party Service Providers: Servizing employs third-party service providers to deliver various services on our behalf, such as communication services (SMS, push notifications, emails, IVR calls, WhatsApp), banking partners, payment gateways, analytics platforms, cloud services, and ANPR/hardware integrations. These providers are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information and use it solely for the purposes for which it was disclosed.
  • Customer Support: If you contact Servizing customer care with specific queries or issues, our support personnel may need to access your information to resolve your concerns.
  • Third-Party Partnerships: If we partner with third-party companies, organizations, or individuals to offer additional services or features, we will obtain explicit consent from you before sharing any personal information with these partners. These partnerships may require sharing details such as your name, email, phone number, flat details, vehicle number, or other information. Please note that our Privacy Policy does not cover the privacy practices of these third parties, and we are not responsible for their content or policies. Links to third-party websites from our services are not endorsed or controlled by us.

Legal Reasons:

We may disclose your information without consent if we reasonably believe it is necessary for:

  • Compliance with Laws: To meet legal obligations, regulations, or government requests.
  • Enforcement of Terms: To enforce our terms of service, investigate potential violations, fraud, security, or technical issues.
  • RWA Agreements: To share information with your society’s RWA as required by our agreement with them.
  • Protection of Rights: To protect the rights, property, or safety of our users, Servizing, or the public as permitted by law.


In some cases, we process your information based on consent granted either to your RWA (as represented to Servizing) or directly to us at the time of data collection. By using Servizing or any of our associated domains, you authorize Servizing (including its representatives, affiliates, and business partners) to contact you via email, phone call, push notification, WhatsApp, or SMS for service-related communications, product information, or promotional offers. This authorization remains valid as long as your account is active, even if you are registered under DND (Do Not Disturb) or DNC (Do Not Contact) services.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by adjusting your preferences on our platform or by emailing us at Upon withdrawal of consent, we will cease processing the relevant personal information, except where other grounds for processing under applicable laws exist.

Business Transitions:

If Servizing undergoes a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or asset sale, your information may be transferred to the new business entity. In such cases, the new entity will adhere to this Privacy Policy. We will notify affected users prior to any transfer of personal information or if it becomes subject to a different entity's privacy policy.

Information Security Measures

At Servizing, we prioritize the security of your information and integrate robust security measures into all our systems and services.

Our Security Measures:

  • Access Controls: Access to personal information is restricted to authorized employees and external contractors who need it to process services. Employees with such access are bound by stringent confidentiality agreements, and any breach of these obligations may result in serious consequences, including termination or legal action.
  • Encryption: All data transmitted to and from our app is protected using 256-bit HTTPS encryption. We use TLS encryption to secure data in transit, and data at rest is also encrypted to ensure its protection.
  • Server Security: We store information on servers equipped with state-of-the-art firewalls and require multiple layers of authentication for access. Unauthorized access is strictly prevented.
  • Regular Reviews: We continuously assess our information collection, storage, and processing practices, including physical security measures, to prevent unauthorized access to our systems.

Limitations and User Responsibilities:

While we employ these rigorous security measures, data transmission over the internet inherently involves some risk. We cannot assume liability for any unauthorized disclosure of information due to transmission errors or third-party access to our platforms or databases.

As a registered user, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, including your login credentials and passwords. You should not share these credentials with anyone. If you suspect that your account credentials have been compromised or exposed, contact us immediately at You are accountable for all activities performed using your account credentials. We are not liable for any unauthorized access to your account resulting from your failure to secure your login information.

Retention and Deletion of Information

We retain information collected through our platforms for varying durations based on the type of information, its usage, and your configuration settings. Here’s how we manage information retention and deletion:

Information Retention:

  • Visitor Information: Visitor data is retained for a period deemed necessary by the Resident Welfare Association (RWA) of your society. By default, Servizing retains visitor information for 180 days. However, the RWA has the option to adjust this retention period to 60 days, 120 days, or 180 days. Once this period expires, visitor information is deleted from our systems, and retrieval of past data is not possible.
  • Resident Data: Residents can request the deletion of their data at any time, in accordance with the Right to be Forgotten. Requests can be made directly through the Servizing app or by emailing
  • Guest Data: Guest visitors can also request the deletion of their information at any time. Detailed instructions are provided in the “Role and Details of Data Protection Officer” section.
  • Society Data: Data related to your society is retained as long as the society is active on the Servizing platform. Once a society is no longer live, all associated information is deleted.
  • Leaving a Society: If you leave a society on Servizing, you can delete your personal details from the app and uninstall it. For further assistance, you may contact us at

Data Retention for Legal Purposes:

Certain data may be retained for longer periods when necessary for legal reasons, such as security, fraud prevention, or financial record-keeping.

Deletion Process:

When you request data deletion, we undertake a thorough process to ensure that your data is safely and completely removed from all our servers. This includes both active and backup systems to prevent accidental or malicious deletion. Please note that there may be a slight delay between your request and the final deletion as we verify the request's authenticity and complete the process.

  • Response Time: Requests made to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) will be acknowledged within 7 days. Actions will be completed within 30 days, subject to RWA approvals and excluding the time taken by the RWA for their approval process.